Thursday, May 29, 2008

Diagonally Parked in a Parallel Universe...

I find myself at odds with a bit of new wisdom in website and media design.

Point and Case: The best designs seem to follow this philosophy - It's time to make a web site accountable. It's time to make design decisions based on sales and business goals.

But the web isn't just about selling people something or getting them to sign up, is it? Or is it? In the information super-dynasty, sales comprise a full 38% of the web. Huh? 38%? The rest still is a weave of techno, imagery, games, and - heaven forbid - information and education.

So when it comes time to place your pitch on the web, I say rely on a few techniques that are still amongst the best. Never underestimate your customer for having a brain... let them use it... and just because we are in the technology world, don't think for a second that your customers have parked a couple hundred years of 'sales impulses' at the door. We all have that inbred desire to be 'sold.'

That is... show me why your product or service is right for me and convince me that I want it... at a reasonable ROI.

It is that simple. Still is.

Peace and Safe Passage, Always,
